about us


Healthy nutrition is the basis for a healthy horse. In fact, the majority of equine complaints can be traced to inappropriate nutrition and an unbalanced diet.

Many horse owners and groomers fear they are shortchanging their horse if they do not add kibble, balancer, herbs and supplements to the horse's ration. The truth is that most horses do not need those extras.

Many horses are also still fed out of habit and tradition. Because, we've always done it that way. But that does not mean that what we do is right. In recent years, a lot of research has been done on the effect of nutrition on the horse and as a result, we have come to very different insights in the field of horse nutrition.

Every horse is entitled to the best possible feed management. Our mission is to empower horse owners to understand how to feed their horse optimally and cost-effectively by creating a balanced diet.

Equi Nutri Care's mission is to inform and guide the horse owner and caretaker so they can put together a healthy and optimal feeding program that meets the horse's nutritional needs. And, taking into account breed-specific characteristics, age, sex, life stage, condition, amount of work, housing, weather conditions and so on. Exactly as nature intended.


Equi Nutri Care was created from the vision that more awareness is needed regarding horse welfare. As horse owners and caregivers, we are not always aware that the horse depends on us and that our actions have an effect on the physical and psychological well-being of the horse.

Horse nutrition is a very important part of that.

As a horse owner, you are inundated with a multitude of feeds, balancers, supplements and more. All promise to be the best choice for your horse. How can you choose among them?

That is why Equi Nutri Care believes it is important for every horse owner and groomer to be aware of the importance of good feed and good feeding practices. We are happy to guide you through the labyrinth of promised golden mountains and educate you on what is really necessary to keep your horse healthy and in top condition.

Any horse that is fed based on the latest science and innovative feeding strategies rather than on age-old beliefs and outdated tradition is a horse at less risk for health and behavioral problems.

The horse owner or caregiver who recognizes that a balanced diet is a critical part of care will be rewarded with a horse in continued peak condition and improved performance.

Why choose Equi Nutri Care: Unparalleled expertise, exceptional dedication and proven results

Pioneering in Equine Health: Commitment to Nutrition Since 2016


Continued professionalization through training exclusively on the physiology of the equine digestive system and associated nutrition for various disciplines


Not tied to feed manufacturers or brands allowing us to freely recommend the feed that best suits our needs giving honest and objective advice


Advice based on the latest science and best practices and taking into account the impact of current issues


We understand that not everyone has the same resources or holds the same beliefs, and we work together toward the best achievable in the interest of the horse's well-being

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